Falco’s’ inaugural Net Zero Plan published

Handmade was able to assist utilities-contractor Falco to create and publish its first Net Zero Plan. Our team’s unique experience and understanding of the field of sustainability in the construction sector was key to us being asked to manage the entire process.

This started with a 6-week planning phase which included desk research to identify the best elements of layout and content from other existing Net Zero plans available. We also extensively researched the subject of net zero in the utilities sector to identify the key aspects to include and any industry stats and quotes to reinforce Falco’s approach.

We also interviewed key persons at Falco responsible for operations, sustainability and procurement to better understand the company’s commitments, endeavors and initiatives they intend to use on their journey to achieve Net Zero emissions. We used the services of an Environmental Consultant, Nathan Jamieson, to provide carbon footprint data as well as his expertise of the subject.

Armed with this information we set-about copywriting the draft text which was circulated to Falco’s management team and Nathan for comment, feedback and approval. Following this our designer produced the layout and artwork for the 16-page document using graphs, charts, stock and in-house photography.

Once complete and sign-off Handmade devised and implemented a comms campaign to promote Falco’s achievement which included:

  • Press release to utilities/construction press
  • Social media posts with link to download doc
  • News release on website
  • Email to all key client contacts
  • Item in next Falco newsletter
  • 100 printed copies for general use

Click to download Falco’s Net Zero Report.